Do not use obvious words like your name, your town or date of birth.
Don't pick a short password. We recommend 8 or more characters.
Use a variety of letters, numbers, spaces and capital letters.
Avoid using the same password everywhere. If someone gets hold of your password for one account, they can then gain access to all your accounts.
Pick three random words e.g. "Ski Taxi Tartan".
Choose a date that is easy to recall e.g. "1970".
Put the words together e.g. "skitaxitartan".
Split the date up and put it at the start and end e.g. "19skitaxitartan70".
If you want your password to use a large chunk of numbers, break them up a bit like a telephone number.
The average person can only memorise about 7 units at a time, so breaking them up into smaller groups will make it easier for you to remember.