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Tricia Guild's festive flair


"There is no doubt that this Christmas is going to be a celebration like no other. The thought of welcoming family and friends home after the last year and a half is a joy that I, for one, can hardly wait for.

As wonderful as the festive season is, it can be tempting to get carried away in the excitement but sometimes, simple and understated touches can strike the right balance without the house resembling a grotto at the end of it!

Here are a few of my favourite things to do at this time of year..

• The table - For me, part of the joy of Christmas, is setting the scene. Whether the setting is casual or formal, minimal or maximalist - monochromatic or colourful – it’s the smallest of details, the table linen, crockery and glassware as well as the candles, crackers and flowers that have the ability to make the day truly wonderful and memorable so find your colour palette and layer it up.

• I love to mix different styles together when it comes to decorating, so I’ll pair vintage style decorations with hanging foliage and gorgeous floral garlands with fabric offcuts. Creating little still lifes like this, all around the house, is something that I love to do at Christmas.

Scented candles are the quickest and easiest way to add atmosphere and fragrance your home at the same time. Try layering scents to create your own unique ambiance – I love to layer Green Fig and Glasshouse together for a warm, yet elegant feeling."

Tricia Guild - Founder & Creative Director.

Be sure to try our Christmas cocktail to welcome guests or enjoy as a festive tipple yourself!

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